How About Intuitive Resting?


How about intuitive resting? Or deliberate resting?

I keep hearing a lot of messages like…

  • "you don't need that much sleep"

  • "Go go go gooo!"

  • "You'll never be finished"

  • "Never be enough"

  • "Never accomplish enough"

On a particularly lazy Tuesday I was thinking, what is wrong with me? I can't do anything. I must be totally broken. I'll always be like this.

But then my inner voice said, remember Monday? When you didn't stop for one second to relax? Remember how much you accomplished?

Oh, right.

My body needs rest!! (Yours too)

Not just sleep either.

There's a lot to be said for intentional resting. Like taking half an hour after a high energy morning to sit somewhere comfy and deliberately choose to experience pleasure. And rest.

So here's my current intentional resting scene:

  • I rode my high energy and did a lot of cleaning this morning (I'm a stay at home mom, but I'm sure you can apply this concept to whatever your day looks like).

  • Girls gotta eat, so I take my meal (on a plate with lots of foods and tastes, going for lasting satisfaction) to the couch.

  • fuzzy blanket

  • FUN book (not homework time)

  • I might fall asleep

  • I know this kind of moment will give me what I need to get to bedtime. And still do some hard work tomorrow and the next day.

Intuitive resting. Your body knows what it needs, you just gotta listen and practice saying yes to you.

❤ Lauresa


What Self Sabotage Really Means


Above All, Be Kind. (to YOUR Body)