What Self Sabotage Really Means

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I'm excited to give you this two part series on how to stop self sabotage (AKA how to stop doing the things that prevent you from doing what you actually want to be doing) 

PART 1: Name it and find the clues.


What does that mean to you? 

I have some examples that may or may not be from my own vast experience with self sabotage:

1. I should go to sleep at a decent hour.
**scrolls through Facebook until 1 AM**

2. I love eating homemade meals and fruits and vegetables!
**avoids grocery shopping at all costs**

3. I need to have that hard conversation.
**stuffs face with Halloween candy while standing in the pantry**

While diet culture would like to blame all of this on lack of willpower, or that you're just completely broken, the truth is:

Self sabotage is simply a message.

So don't kill the messenger.


So what is your self sabotage trying to tell you?

What's really going on?

Obviously, it could be so many things. But the purpose of this email is to help you figure it out! Start looking for clues...

Consider these examples. You might be sabotaging your good efforts if....

  • your values don't line up with what you're actually doing

  • you've experienced trauma and haven't taken time to process, grieve and potentially forgive

  • you're GROWING massively as a person and it's terrifying. There's plenty of evil in this world that does not want you to be your amazing self.

Any of these situations can create friction, discomfort, and LOTS of self doubt.

Writing Exercise:

Take 10 minutes to answer one set of these questions.

  1. What is important to me?/What are my 3 top values?

    1. How do those compare to what I'm actually doing?

  2. How many hours of the day do I spend doubting myself?

    1. This week, try taking note of that self doubt, writing it down or saying it out loud, then letting it go.

  3. Why am I self sabotaging??

    1. How can I get the help and support I NEED to deal with what I'm going through?


Did you learn anything helpful about yourself? I'd love to hear about it in the comments.

❤ Lauresa

FYI, this kind of work is SO powerful if you actually do it. So do it!

It's also the kind of work that we do during my group sessions. That's why I call my program a workshop. We do as much good, transformative stuff as possible in our sessions!




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